PIG Diaries

PIG Diaries: GHS Kigwema

PIG Diaries: GHS Kigwema

GHS Kigwema: Students were skilled on pickle making as part of Entrepreneurship and Financial Management organised under NECTAR PIG. The training was imparted by a member of the community. The school uses the Packaged Pickles as gifts to officials and well wishers who visit the school.

Renovation of Toilet in GPS New Mongre, Kiphire

Renovation of Toilet in GPS New Mongre, Kiphire

The NEP- Lighthouse (NECTAR) team is undertaking sample monitoring of Performance Incentive Grant (PIG) activities for 1st installment which are being carried out from July to November, 2022 across all districts. The District Administration is the monitoring agency authorised to certify the completion certificates for the SMCs and SMDCs to qualify for the subsequent installments.