Govt. School Diaries: GPS Mongda in Mokokchung District
Govt. School Diaries: Students of GPS Mongda in Mokokchung District playing marble during their break time.
Govt. School Diaries: Students of GPS Mongda in Mokokchung District playing marble during their break time.
PIG Diaries: With the 3rd instalment of the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG), GMS Vidima in Chümoukedima District transformed 5 of their classrooms into an interactive and fun learning environment with BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) art. PIG Diaries: With the 3rd instalment of the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG), GMS Vidima in Chümoukedima District transformed 5…
Making the most of the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG) fund, GPS Mongta in Mokokchung District constructed a concrete table for the students to use during their Mid Day Meal. This was done using the leftover materials from the corridor wall repairs. The community contributed free labor for the corridor repairs and painting.
In an effort to promote community ownership, GMS Hakhizhe in Niuland District hosted a community engagement event centered around the importance of environmental preservation and conservation. During the event, the school organised a programme and screened a documentary film on environmental awareness for both students and community members in attendance. Following the program, a plantation…
Meet Arenkala Aier, a teacher and the incharge of the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG) programme at GMS Naga New Model Ao, Notun Bosti in Dimapur District talking about PIG under NECTAR and how it is impacting her school and bringing about a change in the teaching community.
Staff of NEP-The Lighthouse and Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority after the Stakeholder’s Consultation Meeting on 22 September 2021
PIG Diaries: Transformation of school exterior into a BaLA TLM under the PIG programme of NECTAR at GPS Kingniu in Noklak District. PC: Kathy Jamir