PIG Diaries: GPS Ndunglwa
Pre-Primary students of GPS Ndunglwa in Peren District seen in their classroom painted with BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) art under the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG).
Pre-Primary students of GPS Ndunglwa in Peren District seen in their classroom painted with BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) art under the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG).
With active support from the District Administration, the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG) programme is being implemented successfully. Acting as external assessors, they oversee the execution of the proposed plans by the SMC and SMDC, making sure that the PIG activities undertaken by the schools are as per proposal, specification and timeline. Braving the many challenges…
PIG Diaries: Transformation of school exterior into a BaLA TLM under the PIG programme of NECTAR at GPS Kingniu in Noklak District. PC: Kathy Jamir
Class 9 students of GHS Liphanyan, Wokha District singing a folk song during the ‘Cultural Day’, organised under the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG). The programme included folk song, folk tale, traditional fire lighting, traditional fashion show and folk dance. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nagaland Education Project-The Lighthouse (NECTAR) (@nectarnagaland)
As part of the first phase deployment of Tablets/Kiosk devices for the SMILE App, an orientation for all schools and establishments in Kohima, Tseminyu, and Pughoboto Block under Zunheboto District was conducted on September 24th and 25th. The purpose of the orientation session was to facilitate smooth integration of the system, familiarise employees with the…
Innovative use of BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) art depicting school rules at GMS Kidima in Kohima District.
A pilot roll out of the Teachers Attendance Monitoring System (TAMS) SMILE App is currently underway for 2 EBRC blocks – L Khel Block, Kohima and Meluri Block, Phek. The pilot is being carried out to identify risks, determine its usability and apply feedback for improvement of the app before the state-wide rollout. TAMS aims…