Impact of SLDP Training

PIG Diaries: With funds from the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG), the teachers at GMS Keletzai in Peren District gave the school a complete makeover by giving it a fresh coat of paint.
With the aim of sustaining stakeholder ownership and achieve the activities and outcomes initiated under the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG), District Education Officials are being engaged to monitor PIG related activities across the state. Previously, the officials were orientated about the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG) and its monitoring checklist at the Directorate of School Education,…
PIG Diaries: Students of GPS Tsiepfütsiepfe in Kohima District pictured sitting at their desks and benches, which were acquired using funds from the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG).
Pre-Primary students of GPS Losatephe in Phek District seen in their classroom painted with BaLA art (Building as Learning Aid), funded by the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG). View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nagaland Education Project-The Lighthouse (NECTAR) (@nectarnagaland)
PIG Diaries: As part of their outreach activity under the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG), GMS Vidima in Chümoukedima District organised an enrolment drive at the residence of the village council chairman. The drive was aimed at enrolling children who have reached school-going age.
Making use of learnings from the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) trainings, teachers are implementing hands-on teaching practices. Seen in the photo are students of GHSS Kigwema in Kohima District observing DNA extraction and Meiosis through microscope as part of their practical session, under the guidance of Ma’am Dziesekhou Dzuvichu, (Co-President) Secondary Stage Science/Biology PLC. View…