
Corrigendum in response to RFP No.: IN-DSE-381527-CS-QCBS dated 31st October 2023 | Date: 7th November 2023

In response to RFP notice issued vide No IN-DSE-381527-CS-QCBS dated 31st October 2023 for the work “Selection of an Agency to Build Capacity to Strengthen Assessments and evaluation Practices in The State” modifications are hereby issued. REFER ATTACHMENT Sd/- (THAVASEELAN K) IAS Project Director Nagaland Education Project – The Lighthouse (NECTAR) Kohima, Nagaland

VC Link for opening of technical proposals, vide No: NEP-PMU-66/SUP-TAMS-TAB-1/2023 Dated 20th May 2023 for the work “Supply of Tablets for Teacher Attendance Management System” (Tender ID: 2023_DSE_521_1)

The public opening of technical proposals to RFB notice issued vide No: NEP-PMU-66/SUP-TAMS-TAB-1/2023 Dated 20th May 2023 for the work “Supply of Tablets for Teacher Attendance Management System” (Tender ID: 2023_DSE_521_1) VC Link