
Professional Learning Communities (PLC): GHS Phek Village

Professional Learning Communities (PLC): GHS Phek Village

Professional Learning Communities (PLC): With the belief that activity-based learning is more impactful than theory learning, Sir Velhuto Phesao, PLC Mentor for Physics Subject from GHS Phek Village, engaged his students through an activity using everyday household items like baking soda and vinegar while teaching the lesson, ‘Law of the Conservation of Mass’. The trained…

PIG Diaries: GMS Tobu Village

PIG Diaries: GMS Tobu Village

With support from the community in the form of free labour, GMS Tobu Village in Mon District replaced the roof of the school building and repurposed the old but usable CGI sheet by constructing a makeshift Mid Day Meal kitchen. The village council and SMC members contributed free labour while the village council further contributed…

Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

The third round of in-person Subject-based Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) commenced on April 24 and will conclude on June 11. This phase focuses on teacher skill enhancement using the Teacher Competency Framework (TCF), lesson planning, and collaboration. The teachers will improve their digital literacy, experiment with teaching methods, and foster inclusivity in classrooms. The PLC…

PIG Diaries: GHS Japan Riba

PIG Diaries: GHS Japan Riba

Utilising the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG), GHS Japan Riba in Phek District is improving its learning environment, one instalment at a time. The school replaced the roof utilising the 2nd instalment and made it safe and secure by constructing a half wall with wire net fencing on the corridor with the 3rd instalment of PIG.

PIG Diaries: GMS Kidima

PIG Diaries: GMS Kidima

A peek into the enhancements of the learning environment at GMS Kidima in Kohima District, facilitated by the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG). The PIG programme has enabled innovative use of BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) art to depict school rules, fostering a more engaging and effective educational setting. It has also strengthened community involvement, allowing…

PIG Diaries: GMS Nokhu

PIG Diaries: GMS Nokhu

A glimpse of the the school transformation at GMS Nokhu in Noklak District through the Performance Incentive Grants (PIG). Video Credit: GMS Nokhu, Noklak. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nagaland Education Project-The Lighthouse (NECTAR) (@nectarnagaland)