CORRIGENDUM | Designing and Implementing Lighthouse School Complex (LSC) Transformation Approach
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- Create Date July 19, 2024
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RFB Reference No: IN-DSE-426819-Cs-QCBS
Tender No: 2024_DSE_644_1
Name of Work: Designing and Implementing Lighthouse School Complex (LSC) Transformation Approach
This is for information of all concerned that the following modifications are hereby issued for the aforementioned RFP: -
Sl No | Clause Ref: | Existing Text | Stands amended as |
1 | Section 2. Instructions to Consultants
E. Data Sheet ITC Reference 14.1.2 |
Estimated input of Key Experts’ time-input: 312 person-months. | Estimated input of Key Experts’ time-input: 314 person-months. |
2 | Section 7. Terms of Reference 3. Staffing Key Experts | 5. LSC Governance/ School Transformation Manager (School Leadership Focused Role)
(Last column) Men Month(s) per person: 25 months (16 months each) |
5. LSC Governance/ School Transformation Manager (School Leadership Focused Role)
(Last column) Men Month(s) per person: 256 months (16 months each) |
Deputy Project Director
Nagaland Education Project- The Lighthouse (NECTAR)
Department of School Education
Kohima, Nagaland